The Five Pillars and the Ten Obligatory Acts in Shi'a Islam
- Created by: lalondon
- Created on: 15-05-21 14:52
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- five pillars
- ten obligatory acts in shi'a islam
- salah - prayer
- sawm - fasting
- zakah - charitable giving
- hajj - pilgrimage
- jihad - struggle to main and defend Islam
- amr-bil-maruf - encouraging people to do what's good
- nahi anil munkar - discouraging people from doing what's wrong
- tawallah - to be loving towards the friends of God, including muhammad and the imams
- tabarra - disassociating from the enemies of God
- khums - 20% tax on income; half goes to charity, half goes to shi'a religious leaders
- shahadah - the declaration of faith
- salah - prayer
- zakah - charitable giving
- sawm - fasting
- hajj - pilgrimage
- ten obligatory acts in shi'a islam
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