Flooding Case Studies
- Created by: SammoG
- Created on: 06-02-15 11:27
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- Flooding Case Studies
- Bangladesh 1998
- Facts
- Population= 12 Million
- $200 per person GNP
- 3 Major rivers- Meghna, Ganges and Brahmaputra
- Causes
- 70% of land 1m above sea level
- 10% land is water
- Experiences heavy monsoon rain
- 3 major rivers reached peak flow at the same time
- Snow melt from the Himalayas
- Poorly maintained embankments
- Urbanisation of the floodplain
- Indian dams increase sedimentation
- Effects
- 57% of land flooded
- 1,300 Deaths from flooded and disease
- 7 Million homes destroyed
- Shortages
- $7 Billion damage
- Water receded leaving rotted crops
- Roads, Bridges and Villages destroyed
- Long term management
- Reduce deforestation is Nepal and the himalayas
- 7 Large dams in Bangladesh- 40 years to complete
- 5000 flood shelters to accommodate whole poulation
- Create flood water storage areas
- Develop effective flood warning system
- New 7m High embankment
- Short term management
- Boats to rescue people
- Emergencies supples sent
- Fodder for livestock
- Repair and rebuild houses and services
- Aid from other countries
- Facts
- Boscastle 2004
- Facts
- Flash Flood
- Cornwall, South England
- Effects
- 75 million US$ damage
- 100 Homes and Businesses Destroyed
- 75 cars destroyed
- Uprooted trees and debris spread over a large area
- Causes
- Cars and waste blocked bridge causing a temporary dam
- Steep valley sides and saturated griound
- 7ft river level rise in 1 hour
- 3.5 inches of rain in 60 minutes
- Prevailing winds and Atlantic storm
- 10mph water speed
- Long term managment
- River Channel Widened
- Car park raised to reduce the risk of cars being washed away
- Culverts improved to allow more water through
- New bridge created with larger arch to prevent another dam
- Short term management
- Basic culvert created
- Coastal path closed
- Debris removed from the bridge
- Food and water supplies restored
- Basic culverts created
- Facts
- Sundarban
- Mangrove Swamp- Bay Of Bengal- Ganges Delta
- 3cm/year rise in the last 20 years
- 4 islands lost to see
- Major carbon sink
- 200 bird species
- Bengal Tiger Habitat
- Bangladesh 1998
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