mindmap for written exam
- Created by: meg
- Created on: 05-12-12 12:01
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- Food and Nutrition
- The Eat Well Plate
- Bread, Rice, Potato, Pasta
- Importance in health - 1)Their filling 2)Fibre content 3) The engery they give you is slow releasing
- Fruit and Vegetables
- Importance in health- 1) Contains Fibre, a range of vitamins and anti-oxidants 2) Low in fat
- Meat, Fish, Eggs and Beans
- Importance in health- 1) Contains protein which helps growth and repair 2)Contains iron
- Milk and dairy products
- Importance on Health - 1) conatins calicum in which gives and maintains strong bones and teeth20 Contains vitamins A and D
- Fats and sugars
- Importance in health 1)Important for growth of the tissue
- Bread, Rice, Potato, Pasta
- Fats and Sugars
- Health isssues 1) obesity 2)Tooth Decay 3) Diabetes 4)High cholesterol
- Where fats are from- 1) seeds 2)Oil 3) Nuts 4)Fruit
- What Vitamins they contain A D E K
- Saturated fats 1) Usually soild at room temperature 2) All carbon atoms are taken (saturated) with hydrogen atoms 3) usually found in animal foods 4)Linked to cholesterol
- Unsaturated Fats 1) oils soft margine 2)some carbon atoms are joined to other carbon atoms by double bond may be poly or mono unstaurated
- Lipase breaks down fats into fatty acids and glycerol this takes place in the stomach , small intestine and pancreas. Bile also emulsifiers the fat into small droplets In which helps digest the fat.
- The Eat Well Plate
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