food packaging and labelling

  • Created by: aggy98
  • Created on: 02-06-14 11:53
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  • food packaging and labelling
    • food packaging does the following:
      • gives food a longer shelf life
      • protects during transportation and storage
      • keeps food clean from bacteria and dirt
      • advertises the product
      • provides information
      • holds the food in place
    • different packaging materials
      • Paper
        • source: wood,
        • advantages: cheap, easy to recycle and print on, can be made waterproof
        • disadvantages: not very strong
        • used for flour, sugar, fruit and veg
      • Cardboard
        • source: wood
        • advantages: lightweight, easily shaped and recycled and easy to print on
        • disadvantage: soggy if wet
        • used for frozen foods, cereals and fruit juice
      • Glass
        • source: sand
        • advantages; see-through, can be coloured, cheap, can be recycled, easily moulded
        • disadvantages: easily broken, often needs paper or plastic label
        • used for jam, wine, pickles, milk and cooking sauces
      • Metal
        • source: ores
        • advantages: Heat treated to preserve the contents, can be recycled, strong, lightweight
        • can rip, often needs paper label, heat treatment can alter taste and texture. often needs utensil to open.
        • used for yoghurts, tinned foods and bottle tops
    • The uk food labelling regulations 1996 state that all products must show the following information
      • 1. the product name and if this is not clear a description of it
      • 3. List of ingredients- descending order of weight- includes water and additives- may give % of ingredients
      • 2. any special storage instructions or conditions of use
      • 4. shelf life- use by date and best by date, depending on whever product has long or short shelf life.
      • 5. instruction on how to cook and prepare food
      • 6. name and address of manufacturer-if from supermarkets just retailer name e.g sainsurie
      • 7. Place of origin
      • 8. weight or volume- most products have an e by this number, meaning average weight
    • The following information on food labels is voluntary
      • 1. pictures- must not be misleading
      • 2.  recipe  ideas
      • 3. bar-codes
      • 4. enviromental and recycling information
      • 5. nutritional info- only required if a special claim is made e.g high in vitamin c, then the percentage of this vitamin must be shown
      • 6. lot or batch mark
      • 7.  opening instructions
      • 8. special information e.g. dietary grouo- vegetarians


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