footwear impressions 2
- Created by: meganjayne15
- Created on: 03-05-14 16:29
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- Footwear Impressions - Recovery Methods
- photography
- should be done before any technique which is used
- with scales
- black and white can result in better contrast
- use a tripod
- use oblique lightin on 3D marks to emphasise detail and depth
- should be done before any technique which is used
- 2D impressions
- dry marks
- powder using appropriate colour to add contrast to the mark
- aluminium powder gives usually gives best result as it gives good contrast
- powder using appropriate colour to add contrast to the mark
- dusty marks
- use ESLA - electrostatic lifting apparatus
- photograph first and recovered mark
- consider powder to enhance mark
- use ESLA - electrostatic lifting apparatus
- dry marks
- marks in blood
- amido black
- also used for fingerprints
- luminol
- carcogenic
- fushin acid
- amido black
- also used for fingerprints
- luminol
- carcogenic
- amido black
- photograph first
- apply one of the enhancement methods
- fushin acid
- fushin acid
- amido black
- enhancements
- considerations must be given to health and safety
- always consider other evidence types i.e. DNA
- 3D impressions
- impressions in soil, mud, putty, sand etc
- photograph first
- create a cast of the impression with one of two materials
- dental stone
- crown stone - which is what dentists used
- once created, clean the cast with running water and bicarbonate.
- never rub or scrub the cast as could loose detail
- impressions in soil, mud, putty, sand etc
- photography
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