forensic psychology
- Created by: Geeahird96
- Created on: 07-10-14 11:12
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- forensic psychology
- defining and measuring crime
- offender profiling
- geographical approach
- spatial behaviour
- demographic data
- distance, movement and time to and from crime scene
- typology approach
- data assimilation, crime scene classification, crime reconstruction, profile generation
- railway ****** , Canter et al.
- criminal characteristics
- categorises info recorded as organised or disorganised
- geographical approach
- official statistics
- self report studies
- offender profiling
- theories of offending
- biological
- genetic transmission
- criminal tendencies inherited
- Johannes lange twin studies
- crowe 1942 adoption studies
- psychodynamic
- pleasure, morality and reality principles
- harsh deviant or weak superego
- not identifying with same sex parent
- social learning theory
- vicarious reinforcement
- bandura
- why people commit the same crimes but for different reasons
- eysenck
- personality
- biological
- genetic transmission
- criminal tendencies inherited
- Johannes lange twin studies
- crowe 1942 adoption studies
- biological
- treartment programmes
- social skills training
- behaviour modification
- anger managemenet
- mainly short term
- alternatives of custodial sentencing
- custodial sentencing
- detterence
- retribution
- rehabilitation
- protection of society
- dealing with offenders
- alternatives of custodial sentencing
- dealing with offenders
- defining and measuring crime
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