Forensic psychology
- Created by: mallorytowlson
- Created on: 07-10-14 11:10
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- forensic psychology
- problems in defining crime
- official statistic, British crime survey, self reported
- offender profiling
- typology approach, organised and disorganised crimes.
- geographical approach, focuses on location of crime scene.
- theories of offending
- atavistic lambroso believe criminals have different features compared to non-criminals
- somatotype theory. Sheldon physical appearance. endomorph ectomorph mesomorph
- later biological explanations
- psychodynamic, id, ego, superego
- social learning
- dealing with offenders
- custodial scentencing
- deterracne
- rehabilitation
- protection of society
- retributions
- alternitives
- fines
- community order
- community rehabilitation order
- absolute or conditional discharge
- custodial scentencing
- treatment programmes
- behaviour modification
- social skills training
- problems in defining crime
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