formation of relationships
- Created by: gilli
- Created on: 23-02-15 13:25
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- formation of relationships
- similarities attitudes and personality avoid dissimilar get together only with similar
- universal dissimilarity repulsion hypothesis - usa and Singapore similarity, then if more dissimilarities> less attracted
- Rosenbaum dissimilarity cf to similarity .> relationship develop
- IDA Aron et al brain reward system = specific person focus courtship energy love at first sight.
- Lehr et al students similar person - attitudesreciprocal liking/not liking participant experiment /dating measure liking/likelihiood of dating
- universal dissimilarity repulsion hypothesis - usa and Singapore similarity, then if more dissimilarities> less attracted
- reward/need satisfaction theory
- Lack of mundane realism experiments lab however caspi and herbener real life couples
- Griffitt and Guay observers classical conditioning
- Griffitt and Guay- creative activity , experimenter direct reinforcement.
- IDA Cultural gender biased Lott women needs of others .collectivist/individualist
- similarities attitudes and personality avoid dissimilar get together only with similar
- reward/need satisfaction theory
- Lack of mundane realism experiments lab however caspi and herbener real life couples
- Griffitt and Guay observers classical conditioning
- Griffitt and Guay- creative activity , experimenter direct reinforcement.
- IDA Cultural gender biased Lott women needs of others .collectivist/individualist
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