Chapter 5
- Created by: l10lasan
- Created on: 05-10-16 17:40
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- Formulae, Eqns & Amounts of substance
- Empirical formula
- Calculated by experimental data
- Molecular formula
- Calculated by experimental data
- Molecular formula
- Calculate
- Amounts of substance - mass, vol of gas, vol of soln. & conc.
- Reacting masses from chem. eqns using amount of substance & molar mass
- Reacting vol of gases using amount of substance & molar volume of gas
- Solution conc. in grams/moles per decimeter^3 including acid-base titrations
- Measurement uncertainties & errors in experimental results
- Comment on sources of error
- Minimising percentage error and uncertainty in experiments
- Percentage yield & atom economy
- CPAC: Measure molar vol of gas
- CPAC: Prepare a standard soln. from a solid acid & use it to find the conc. of NaOh
- CPAC: Find the conc. of a soln. of hydrochloric acid
- Risks & hazards in practical procedures/ how to minimise them
- Relate ionic & full eqns to
- Displacement reactions
- Reactions of acids
- Precipitation reactions
- Empirical formula
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