Four D's
- Created by: Lshaw19
- Created on: 11-09-17 15:08
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- Four D's
- Deviance
- Behavior and emotions that are unacceptable.
- Social norms are unwritten rules of acceptable behavior.
- Norms are the behaviors and attitudes that most people stick to in society.
- Social norms are unwritten rules of acceptable behavior.
- Should deviance be measured statistically or socially.
- Bell curve is used to distinguish normal and abnormal behavior.
- Normal behavior is 1SD from the mean (34.1%)
- Rare behavior is 2SD from the mean (13.6%)
- Extremely rare behavior is 3SD from the mean (2.1%)
- Bell curve is used to distinguish normal and abnormal behavior.
- There are factors when assessing deviance.
- Culture: different cultures and subcultures have different social norms
- History: what is normal at one time period may not be normal now.
- Situation: behavior may be normal in one situation or place but not another.
- Age and gender: we have different expectations of men and women and young and old people.
- Criticisms
- Difficult to find out what social norms in general are. Society is divided on what should be seen as normal.
- Therapist may be influenced on whether they find the behavior shocking/upsetting personally.
- Behavior and emotions that are unacceptable.
- Dysfunction.
- When abnormal behavior is significantly interfering with everyday tasks and living your life.
- Gets across the idea that dysfunction stops you from living a healthy life t its more objective than distress.
- people engage in many unhealthy behaviors but we dont consider them abnormal
- Smoking and drinking
- Rosenhan and Seligman 1989
- Unpredictability and loss of control.
- Cause discomfort to observers
- irrationality/incomprehensibility
- suffering
- vividness and unconventionality
- Maladaptivness
- Violate moral standards
- When abnormal behavior is significantly interfering with everyday tasks and living your life.
- Distress
- Simple feeling of being unhappy.
- Negative feelings like anxiety, isolation, confusion and fear.
- Everyone experiences negative feelings but abnormality is when these feelings occur inappropriately or for long periods of time.
- this distress has an advantage of connecting abnormality to quality of life, the same as dysfunction.
- Judging distress is quite subjective.
- It may be perfectly normal to feel distressed in some situations.
- There are some people who don't feel distressed when others think they should be.
- It may be perfectly normal to feel distressed in some situations.
- Simple feeling of being unhappy.
- Danger
- When behavior harms or puts the risk the indiviudal or others around them
- Based on harm principle: states that you have a right to behave in any way as long as you don't cause harm
- Some behaviors are harmful but normal e.g driving cars
- Abnormal behavior puts yourself and others at excessive risk.
- Similar to principle of distress.
- Takes a liberal view that people should be left to their own devices if their behavior is harmless.
- When behavior harms or puts the risk the indiviudal or others around them
- Deviance
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