Full time v Part time
- Created by: ellenpalmer
- Created on: 22-04-16 09:00
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- Full time v Part time staff
- Full time advantages
- Fewer staff in total will be needed as they work more hours per week
- Lower recruitment and training costs.
- Easier to manage and control less staff
- Workers may feel more secure and motivated with a full time job, as they earn more money than part time
- They will be more loyal with one full time job.
- Part time disadvantages
- Their loyalties could be split between jobs
- Recruitment and training costs will be lower
- there could be additional costs in terms of pension provision, benefits and training
- the job-sharers' manager may spend more time supervising two workers instead of one
- Part time advantages
- May save money on part time worker when there isn't enough customers for a full time worker
- Part time workers are more flexible
- They could work at the busiest times, this improves customer service.
- Some workers may prefer part time, if they have children for example
- Full time disadvantages
- As there is less staff, there may be no one to cover if someone is ill
- Can be expensive as you will have to give out bonuses ect
- Less flexibility
- Full time advantages
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