full time vs part time
- Created by: Alex O
- Created on: 22-04-16 09:07
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- Advantages of full time
- committed to that one job
- set wage so the person doesn't get more if they work a few more hours
- advantages of Part time
- the worker can come in when you want because there is no contract.
- only pay them for how many hours they work
- Full time vs Part time
- Advantages of full time
- committed to that one job
- set wage so the person doesn't get more if they work a few more hours
- disadvantages of part time
- the worker can just leave the job when they want because they are not committed to that job
- you would have to pay multiple people to do one full time workers job
- disadvantages of full time
- you have to pay them even when they aren't working
- when the full time worker is ill there is nobody to cover them
- Advantages of full time
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