Functionalism and Education
- Created by: BWards18
- Created on: 31-05-17 13:33
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- Functionalism and Education
- The functions education performs ....
- S - ocial control and solidarity - individuals unite as one society
- E- conomic - Meeting the needs of the economy creating skilled workers
- T - ransmitting norms and values - Secondary socialisation
- S - ocial selection - Meritocracy (Effort + Ability = Reward), the most able get the jobs
- How does education fulfil these functions?
- 'Hidden Curriculum' - teaching students to be obedient and integrating them into their future role as loyal adult citizens
- Qualifications as reward, wages as reward for work (Correspondence Theory)
- Sense of national identity - Pledge of Allegiance and History
- Literarte, hard working workforce through national curriculum and A Levels
- Select and allocate roles -meritocracy
- Theorists
- Durkheim
- Believes education achieves two key functions ....
- 1. Social Solidarity - Uniting society through the transmission of norms and values
- E.g. Pledge of Allegiance and History
- 2. Learning specialist skills - To meet the needs of the economy
- Through teaching literacy and numeracy
- 1. Social Solidarity - Uniting society through the transmission of norms and values
- Believes education achieves two key functions ....
- Parsons
- Believes that schools are bridges between family and wider society
- In the family the child is judged by particularisticstandards
- Judged and treated on the basis of an individual
- However, in education they are judged by universalistic standards
- Rules and values applied equally to all members of society
- Schools are a bridge between ascribed and achieved status through and meritocratic system
- Hargreaves
- Contemporary schools fail to transmit shared norms and values
- They promote self discipline that undermines social soladity
- Schools put top much emphasis on individual achievement
- Contemporary schools fail to transmit shared norms and values
- Davis and Moore
- Believes education sorts people into appropriate roles, social stratification
- Promotes a meritocratic system (Ability +Effort = Reward)
- Necessary to incentives people to take the tougher more tiring jobs
- Durkheim
- Criticisms
- Doesn't consider individuals experiences as they take a macro approach
- Marxixts belivee meritocracy is a myth and social class determines success
- Those at the bottom are blamed for failure
- The functions education performs ....
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