Functionalism: explanations for social class inequality
- Created by: sarah_mocha
- Created on: 30-05-16 18:51
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- Functionalism: explanations for social class inequality
- Structural and consensus theory
- seeks to explain the social world with reference to the main structures, systems and institutions in existence
- structures, systems and institutions all serve a useful function in maintaining the healthy cohesion of society
- Durkheim:
- social inequality + difference are inevitable and important to maintain social order and prevent a state of chaos
- Parsons:
- social inequality and difference are functional an inevitable features of social systems
- social systems must be hierarchical to accomplish order and ranking - both key elements of maintaining a healthy functional society
- Meritocracy
- most talented and able justifiably reap the highest rewards
- competition is healthy and social inequality is inevitabl
- Davis & Moore:
- pay is related to talent, the most important jobs are secured by the most able individuals who are thus paid appropriately high wages
- Evaluation:
- underplay the importance of social class divisions and class conflict
- Tumin: what is meant by a 'functionally important' role?
- degree of social harmony and consensus in society is questionable
- Structural and consensus theory
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