Sociological Explanations of youth crime & deviance
Using theory to explain why crime is committed by youth
- Created by: SabaMasood
- Created on: 15-05-14 03:14
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- Functionalism
- believe crime in inevitable and if society has law someone will break them. they argue crime is functional to society
- Eisenstadt- on route to achieving the status of adulthood some are bound to be deviant and stay from the norm as it is stressful
- Miller- STATUS FRUSTRATION: lack of money and status. Crime allows status and attention to be achieved
- Marxism
- CCCS- many crimes committed by the working class are money motivated at crime allows them to beat the unfairness in society
- Hall & Jefferson; RESISTANCE
- Clarke- Exaggeration
- Interactionist
- Becker- young people are labelled by society as criminals or deviant by the media/authority figures = Self-Fulfilling prophecy.
- Criticism: fail to explain primary deviance
- Criticism: smart: ignores female offenders. marxists believe this theory ignores crime committed by the powerful middle class. doesn't explain why crime within different ethnic groups are varying
- Criticism: Fail to explain why crimes not motivated by money are committed
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