Education Functionalist Perspective
- Created by: HBN_18
- Created on: 03-05-18 14:32
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- Functionalist Perspective
- Parsons
- Education provides a bridge between the particularistic values and ascribed status of the family and the universalistic values of society
- Durkheim
- Saw school as society in miniature
- Preparing young people for life in a wider society
- Using meritocratic values where everyone achieves their position through skills and qualification
- Saw school as society in miniature
- Schultz
- Education develops human capital
- Trained and qualified labour force - benefits the economy
- Davis and Moore
- Education selects and allocates people for roles in a meritocratic society
- Everyone has equal opportunity
- The most able and qualified people fit into the hierarchy of unequal positions in society
- Criticism
- Feminists believe schooling passes on patriarchal values - disadvantages girls
- Social class, gender and ethnicity still affect access to the highest positions
- Employers often complain schools do not provide a well-disciplined and qualified labour force
- Education is not meritocratic
- Social class, gender and ethnicity are barriers to success in education
- Functionalist exaggerate the role of education - ignore wider influences on socialising young people
- E.g Family and Media
- Marxists
- Argue education simply reproduces the inequalities that exist outside school
- Education should be concerned with training the workforce
- Education should be run on meritocratic lines ensuring the talented are recruited into the most important jobs
- Education selects and allocates people for roles in a meritocratic society
- Parsons
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