Functionalist View of Education Mindmap
- Created by: KayleighG123
- Created on: 07-03-18 15:10
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- Functionalist view of Education
- DURKHEIM - education has two main roles/functions
- 1)Creating social solidarity - a sense if belonging
- School = 'mini society' to prepare for work
- Achieved through teaching shared N+V's
- AO3: Marxists argue that schools only transmit RCI, not shared N+V's.
- 2)Teaching specialist skills
- We need people to perform different jobs in society as it has a complex division of labour
- AO3: Vocational qualifications are seen as inferior to academic ones (for example A-Levels.
- 1)Creating social solidarity - a sense if belonging
- PARSONS - sees school as acting as a bridge between family & wider society
- In a family, a child is judged by particularistic standards (rules for each child)
- Similarly, child's status within family is ascribed - fixed from birth
- School & society judge us by universalistic standards (same rules/laws apply to everyone + status is achieved not ascribed (have to work hard to gain status).
- Sees school & society as based on meritocratic principles so everyone is given an equal opportunity + individuals achieve rewards through own effort & ability.
- The school is a society in miniature which helps to teach & prepare people for the demands & expectations of wider society.
- In a family, a child is judged by particularistic standards (rules for each child)
- DAVIS & MOORE - see education's main function as role allocations - sifting & sorting by ability for future work roles.
- Argue inequality is necessary to ensure the most important roles of society are filled by the most talented people - this encourages people to compete for highest paid jobs + improve workforce.
- AO3:Both PARSONS + DAVIS & MOORE argue education is meritocratic, however evidence suggests that social class, ethnicity & gender all affect achievement, meaning this is not the case.
- Education acts as a sieve which 'sorts' people into roles/positions in society.
- Argue inequality is necessary to ensure the most important roles of society are filled by the most talented people - this encourages people to compete for highest paid jobs + improve workforce.
- Functionalism says education has 3 functions that help society
- 1) Education plays a part in secondary socialisation, passing on core values.
- 2) Education sifts & sorts people for the appropriate jobs. This is called the allocation function.
- 3) Education teaches the skills needed in work & by the economy.
- DURKHEIM - education has two main roles/functions
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