Functionalist views of religion
- Created by: Calnat
- Created on: 02-01-24 15:15
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- Functionalist theories of religion
- Durkheim (1858-1917)
- the sacred = things that are set apart and forbidden that inspire feelings of awe, fear and wonder - are surrounded by taboos and prohibitations
- the profane = ordinary and mundane things
- religion = a set of rules but also rituals and practices in relation to the sacred - performed collectively
- sacred symbols reflect collective conscience - norms and values that make cooperation between individuals possible - w/o these symbols, society would disintegrate
- studied the Arunta (aboriginal australian tribe with a clan system
- bands of kin come together to worship a totem - has symbols of society on it (the clans emblems)
- by worshiping the totem they are worshiping society - inspires feelings of awe bc it represents the power of the group of which individuals are 'utterly dependent' on
- religion is the reason we can think conceptually
- religion has provided categories such as time, space, cause, substance, number
- the categories religion ahs made allows others to communicate their thoughts because all categories are shared
- the sacred = things that are set apart and forbidden that inspire feelings of awe, fear and wonder - are surrounded by taboos and prohibitations
- Psychological functions
- Malinowski (1954)= religion helps people cope with emotional stress that usually undermines solidarity
- 2 different types of situation where religion performs a role adapting to emotional stress
- Where the outcome is important but uncontrollable and therefore uncertain - studied Triobrand islanders in western pacific
- ocean fishing is accompanied by canoe magic to ensure a safe edpedition - gives a sense of control to fishgers
- lagoon fishing - predictable and sucessful method of poising so no ritual used
- At times of life crisis
- Birth, death, pubity, marriage and death - religion helps minimise disriuption
- funeral rituals reinforce feeling of solidarity amongst survivors
- death = main reason for religion
- funeral rituals reinforce feeling of solidarity amongst survivors
- Birth, death, pubity, marriage and death - religion helps minimise disriuption
- Where the outcome is important but uncontrollable and therefore uncertain - studied Triobrand islanders in western pacific
- 2 different types of situation where religion performs a role adapting to emotional stress
- Malinowski (1954)= religion helps people cope with emotional stress that usually undermines solidarity
- Parsons: values and meaning
- 2 essential functions that religion performs in modern society
- creates and legitimates society's central values
- sacrilises societies norrms and values
- protestanism has sacrilised core american values of indivisulaism - promotes value consensus and social stability
- sacrilises societies norrms and values
- its the primary source of meaning
- answers the ultimate questions - why the good suffer and young die
- legitimates suffering by saying it is a test if faith that will be rewarded in heaven
- creates and legitimates society's central values
- 2 essential functions that religion performs in modern society
- Civil religion
- Robert Bellah - religion unifies society (especially a multi faith society like America
- Civil religion = Americanism or american way of life - loyalty to the nation state and a belief in God
- expressed in rituals like pledge of allegiance, national anthem and the Lincoln memorial
- Functional alternatives
- other groups like Nazis in Germany or the Soviet union weren't based on religious beliefs but still united society
- Durkheim (1858-1917)
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