Functionalist perspective of crime and deviance
- Created by: Lilly
- Created on: 09-01-14 15:18
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- Functionalist Perspectives of Crime
- Durkheim
- Problem of modernity
- Pre-industrialised- low crimes, family and religions powerful agencies of socialisation
- Post-industrial society- high rates, complexity of modern life undermines authority of religion & family- Anomie
- Explains why people conform not commit
- Crime has 4 characteristics:
- Inevitable
- Universal
- Relative- definition of normal behaviour changes in each society
- Functional
- Punishment enforcement, prevents stagnation, safety vales for big crimes
- Problem of modernity
- Merton 1949
- Cause of crime
- Saw concept of anomie too vague- so developed meaning
- Anomie- Society where there is a dysfunction between goals & the means of achieving them
- Cap soc- cultural institutions- socialise individuals into believing that material success if a realistic goal
- Resources unfairly distributed- RC experience strain between goal & legitimate institutional means- chances of accessing them blocked by RC
- Unfair distribution- ANOMIE- has 5 different responses (Anomic paradigm)
- 2 criminal ones- Innovation & Rebellion
- Influenced Jock Young's theory
- Hirschi 1969
- Asks why don't more people commit than they do?
- 4 bonds of attachment (informal social control)
- Attachment- care about opions of others
- Commitment
- Involvement
- Belief
- Macro theory- interested in how soc & institutions determine people's behaviour
- Structuralist theory
- Positivist theory- human behaviour shaped by social forces beyond their control
- Durkheim
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