WATER - Impact of drought on forests and wetlands
- Created by: aliceoliviaaa
- Created on: 20-05-18 20:42
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- Functions of wetlands and forests
- Cover 10% of earths surface. They:
- Act as temporary water stores
- recharge aquifers
- trap pollutants and act as filters
- providing nurseries for fish
- are feeding areas for migrating birds
- Drought's impact:
- less precipitation = less interception
- less infiltration and percolation
- water tables fall.
- evaporation increases
- decrease in transpiration
- the function of the wetlands will REDUCE.
- Cover 10% of earths surface. They:
- responsible for interception, meaning reduced infiltration and overland flow. (high levels of transpiration).
- Deforestation is more threatening than droughts.
- Tree mortality is on the increase as firs and pines develop fungal diseases.
- Ecological resistance should not be threatened, as the results could be harsh.
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