Functions of attachments
- Created by: Danni
- Created on: 02-12-12 17:10
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- Functions of attachments
- Cupboard love theory
- Attach to person who provides nurture in form of food
- Babies don't necessarily attach to person who feeds them
- Harlow (1958) - baby monkeys preferred cloth mother over wire mother that provided food
- Internal working model
- Bowlby (1969) - attachment = serves function in long-term - provides child with internal working model of relationships
- Enables child to have expectations of caregiver + makes future interactions easier
- Child's earliest relationship provides framework for all following relationships
- Notion of continuity in relationships = deterministic + pessimistic - if all relationships = unhappy + insecure, all will be
- Idea that early relationships set scene for later ones = apealing
- Barnes (1995) - combines several psychological perspectives e.g. cognitive (understanding of attachment) + behaviourist (behaviours that are rewarding = likely to be repeated)
- Bowlby (1969) - attachment = serves function in long-term - provides child with internal working model of relationships
- Survival value theory
- Precocial (immediately mobile at birth) species - close to mother + protection of group - avoid predators
- Lorenz (1935) - young goslings reared away from species = attached to 1st moving objest they saw (usually mother)
- Imprinting: keep gosling safe from harm
- Communication theory
- Bower (1979) - infants = selective in attachment figure - select who best communicates with them
- Not necessarily who spends longest with child - person who child can use to get things they need
- E.g. Prefers attachment figure who can distinguish what's required from a cry
- Not necessarily who spends longest with child - person who child can use to get things they need
- Theory = linked to Ainsworth's views on sensitive-resposiveness
- Bower (1979) - infants = selective in attachment figure - select who best communicates with them
- Cupboard love theory
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