Gabrieli - Pian' e Forte - St. Mark's Cathedral
This is a mindmap of points you can make on a question about Gabrieli's Pian' e forte if you were asked:
'What features of the piece indicate it was written to be performed in St. Mark's Basillica, Venice?' (13 marks)
- Created by: Hazel Rimmer
- Created on: 04-06-13 17:16
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- Gabrieli - Written for St. Mark's Cathedral (splendour)
- Instrumentation
- Use of two coros
- 6 sackbutts
- Brass instruments create a regal sounding timbre
- 1 Violin (more like modern day viola)
- Cornett
- Brass instruments create a regal sounding timbre
- Venetian Polychoral style
- Two alternating coros for two balconies of the Cathedral - cori spezzati
- Antiphonal texture
- Dynamics
- Contrast between loud and soft (Gabrieli was one of the first composers to put dynamics on the score) created a special effect
- Texture
- 4 part free counterpoint at bars 1-25 which was special
- 8 part antiphonal texture at bar 26 which was very grand
- The climax of the piece is at bar bar 71 - 5 note pattern is imitated 17 times in different parts
- Tempo
- Slow tempo suits the celebratory church mass music for the cathedral, adds to the splendour
- Context
- This piece would have been performed in church during celebratory mass
- This was the only major church in Europe that encouraged the use of instruments during mass
- Harmony
- Functional Harmony with cadences, like other music played at St. Mark's
- Perfect: bars 13-14
- Imperfect and Plagal
- Phrygian: bars 44-45
- Tierce de picardie at bar 14 adding to the splendour
- Functional Harmony with cadences, like other music played at St. Mark's
- Rhythm
- There are many tied notes and sustained notes to create a ceremonial feel appropriate for the venue
- Dotted rhythms are used to add a special feel to the music, appropriate for a special venue
- Instrumentation
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