Gamification MOOC Week 3
My notes for the third week of this MOOC on Coursera by Kevin Werbach at University of Pennsylvania
- Created by: TomCorf
- Created on: 11-02-15 16:04
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- Game thinking
- Why gamify?
- Increase engagment
- encourage choices/variety
- Give users sense of progression
- Make it social
- Form habits
- Think like a game designer
- Approach all problems in life as "I am a game designer"
- Think about participants as PLAYERS
- Players are the center of the game
- Players need to feel sense of autonomy/control
- They should feel like they're playing!
- Our goals are..
- Get players playing
- Keep players playing
- Design rules
- The player journey - feeling like a journey/ mission
- Onboarding
- In-game Guides/ popovers
- Highlighting
- Feedback/ reinforcement
- Scaffolding - 'what next' support
- Limited options
- Impossible to fail - gain a reward
- Pathways to mastery - tracking improvement, always something more
- Onboarding
- Balance
- Not too hard to succeed
- Not to easy for some players to dominate
- Create an experience
- This is a unique world
- There are other people in this world
- The player journey - feeling like a journey/ mission
- Tapping the emotions
- Games are engaging because they're FUN
- Mary Poppins: "in every job that must be done, there is an element of fun. You find the fun and snap! The job's a game"
- What's fun in a game?
- Winning
- Problem solving
- Exploring
- Teamwork
- Recognition
- Triumphing
- Collecting
- Surprise
- Imagination
- Sharing
- Role playing
- Customisation
- Games are engaging because they're FUN
- Anatomy of FUN
- Nicole Lazzaro' 4 keys
- Easy fun - messing about
- Hard fun - being challenged
- People fun - enjoying doing things with other people
- Serious fun- where something is externally meaningful for players
- Marc LeBlanc's 8 kinds of fun
- Sensation
- Fantasy
- Narrative
- Challenge
- Fellowship
- Discovery
- Expression
- Submission
- Raph Koster 'A theory of Fun'
- Nicole Lazzaro' 4 keys
- Why gamify?
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