Gamification MOOC Week 2
My notes for the second week of this MOOC on Coursera by Kevin Werbach at University of Pennsylvania
- Created by: TomCorf
- Created on: 11-02-15 12:19
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- What are games?
- 'Gamification is not...'
- 'Make everything a game"
- "Any game at work
- "Any use of games in business" eg giving prizes
- Example: Mcdonalds Monopoly promotion is not gamification because it does not involve integration of game elements into a business process
- "Simulations" (although they may develop into 'serious games')
- Just for marketing or customer engagement
- Just "PBLs" (points, badges, leaderboards)
- Game theory
- 'Gamification IS...'
- About voluntary participation - if you have to take part its not a game it's work!
- Learning or problem solving
- Appreciating FUN
- A balance of structure and exploration
- Influential people and orgs
- Sebastian Deterding
- Deterding's 4 segment gamification matrix
- Lev Vygotsky
- "In play a child always behaves beyond his average age"
- Sebastian Deterding
- What is a game?
- Bernard Suits 'The Grasshopper'
- Pre-lusory Goal (an objective)
- Constitutive rules (turning the objective into a game)
- Lusory Attitude (player follows the rules)
- Voluntarily overcoming unnecessary obstacles
- J. Huizinga's 'Magic Circle'
- The boundary between the game and the real world - the game matters when you're in it.
- You will respond to the goals of the game and play by its rules if you feel like you're in the Circle
- Bernard Suits 'The Grasshopper'
- Games Vs Play
- Play is 'exuberant, free and for its own sake'
- Games are formal, structured and create outcomes
- Games are about solving problems with a playful attitude to achieve outcomes
- Video games
- 97% of 12-17 year olds play video games
- Don't have to be advanced to be good games
- 'Real world' building blocks for gamification
- E-business 2.0
- Analytics to make games smarter
- Cloud to manage data
- Mobile to take games with you
- Social networks and media
- Loyalty programs (on and offline)
- Management and marketing research
- E-business 2.0
- 'Gamification is not...'
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