Gatsby & Love Poetry : Thematic links
Thematic links between Gatsby and poetry, including info about context and critical theories, as well as quotes.
- Created by: Katie Russo
- Created on: 10-05-17 11:58
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- Gatsby & Poetry (Themes)
- Obsessive Love
- Whoso List to Hount
- Gatsby chases Daisy for years
- Daisy is seen as the ultimate prize
- Men seek to possess women (Neg Feminist)
- Gatsby believes in the love until the end
- The persona eventually gives up on apsotrophe
- Remember
- Gatsby will forever be in love with Daisy
- Rewrites the past to try and win Daisy
- Obsessed with the past
- Doesn't want Daisy to forget him
- "Here's a lot of clippings - about you."
- "Her voice is full of money."
- Whoso List to Hount
- Forbidden Love
- Whoso List to Hount
- Gatsby and persona both love someone in class above
- Wyatt loved a married woman
- Class division is the evil of western society (Neg Marxist)
- Male affairs were excepted, female were not
- "Your wife doesn't love you."
- "I wanted somebody who wouldn't gossip. Daisy comes over quite often."
- "Tom's got some woman in New York."
- Whoso List to Hount
- Barriers to love
- Song (Ae fond kiss)
- Daisy is expected to stay with Tom due to societal barriers
- Women were expected to remain loyal to their husbands forever
- Neg feminist & marxist
- Non Sum Qualis Eram Bonae
- Persona fell in love with someone younger
- Not accepted in society
- Persona fell in love with someone younger
- "They were both in white."
- Song (Ae fond kiss)
- Class Division
- Whoso List to Hount
- Persona and Gatsby both lower class than the women they love
- Gatsby's facade of wealth and power
- Neg marxist
- The Ruined Maid
- Divided into class due to profession
- Daisy vs Myrtle
- Both doing well in differently accepted ways
- "A cream coloured dress."
- Whoso List to Hount
- Obsessive Love