GCSE Dance Knowledge, understanding and skills for performance
- Created by: BethanLaura
- Created on: 19-10-21 13:34
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- GCSE Dance
- Knowledge, understanding and skills for performance // Performance Skills
- Physical skills and attributes
- posture
- alignment
- balance
- co-ordination
- control
- flexibility
- mobility
- strength
- stamina
- extension
- isolation
- Technical skills
- action content (eg travel, turn, elevation, gesture, stillness, use of different body parts, floor work, transfer of weight)
- dynamic content (eg fast/slow, sudden/ sustained, acceleration/deceleration, strong/light, direct/indirect, flowing and abrupt)
- spatial content (eg pathways, levels, directions, size of movement, patterns, spatial design)
- relationship content - for duet/trio performance only (eg lead and follow, mirroring, action and reaction, accumulation, complement and contrast, counterpoint, contact, formations)
- timing content
- rhythmic content
- movement in a stylistically accurate way
- Expressive skills
- projection
- focus
- spatial awareness
- facial expression
- phrasing
- for duet/trio performance only:
- musicality
- sensitivity to other dancers
- communication of choreographic intent, including mood(s), meaning(s), idea(s), theme(s) and/or style/style fusion(s).
- Mental skills (during performance)
- movement memory
- commitment
- concentration
- confidence
- Mental skills (during the process)
- systematic repetition
- mental rehearsal
- rehearsal discipline
- planning of rehearsal
- response to feedback
- capacity to improve.
- Safe working practices (during performance)
- safe execution
- appropriate dancewear, including: footwear hairstyle absence of jewellery.
- Safe working practices (during the process)
- warming up
- cooling down
- nutrition
- hydration
- Physical skills and attributes
- Knowledge, understanding and skills for performance // Performance Skills
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