gcse elizabeth revision topic 5- catholic plots

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  • catholic plot
    • Ridolfi plot 1571
      • Spanish army would land and help English catholics overthrow Elizabeth. mary queen of scots would marrybthe duke of Norfolk and turn England catholic
      • Cecil and Walsingham foiled the plot. Norfolk was found guilty of treason
      • Elizabeth refused to execute Mary and she was kept in proson
    • throckmorton plot
      • French and Spanish forces and papal money
      • invade England and free mary from prison. throckmorton was arrested as Elizabeth's secret service foiled the plot.
      • under torture he admitted the duke of guise was planning to invade via the Netherlands.
      • throckmorton insisted that Mary had nothing to do with the plot.    he was executed for treeason
    • why didn't Elizabeth execute mary in 1572?
      • no concrete proof she was involved
      • spain, france or the pope may take action
      • believed executing a royal was against God's will
      • she didn't want to order the death of her cousin and heir.
      • would anger English catholics that may rebell
    • banington plot
      • mary fled to England after she was evicted by protestants.      she was given sanctuary but was under house arrest.
      • Babington fell in love with mary and planned to kill Elizabeth to bring back Catholicism.
      • Babington needed Mary's permission to proceed. he set up anenrypted letter to her.
      • Babington didn't know that the man he hired to deliver the messages was a double agent. Walsingham now had evidence of treason.
      • Babington and 6 conspirators were executed.
    • trial and execution of Mary.
      • October 1586 mary found guilty
      • signed death warrant February 1587
      • her secretary secretly took the note and handed it to the privy councillors.
      • mary was executed on 8th February 1587


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