Gender and Beliefs continued
- Created by: HLOldham
- Created on: 28-03-16 17:44
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- Gender and Beliefs
- NRMs
- Bruce (1995)
- Female-to-male involvement - 2:1
- Bruce (1995)
- Sects and Women
- Poverty
- Women are more likely to experience poverty - economic deprivation = likely to join sects
- Social Deprivation
- Glock and Stark (1969) - lack of power, prestige, status and satisfaction
- E.g. women in lower class jobs can find satisfaction in evangelical goals
- Social Deprivation
- Glock and Stark (1969) - lack of power, prestige, status and satisfaction
- E.g. women in lower class jobs can find satisfaction in evangelical goals
- E.g. women in lower class jobs can find satisfaction in evangelical goals
- Glock and Stark (1969) - lack of power, prestige, status and satisfaction
- Social Deprivation
- E.g. women in lower class jobs can find satisfaction in evangelical goals
- Glock and Stark (1969) - lack of power, prestige, status and satisfaction
- Organic Deprivation
- People who suffer physical and mental problems
- E.g. women turn to sects in hope of being healed/as an alternative drugs or alcohol
- Organic Deprivation
- People who suffer physical and mental problems
- E.g. women turn to sects in hope of being healed/as an alternative drugs or alcohol
- E.g. women turn to sects in hope of being healed/as an alternative drugs or alcohol
- People who suffer physical and mental problems
- Organic Deprivation
- E.g. women turn to sects in hope of being healed/as an alternative drugs or alcohol
- People who suffer physical and mental problems
- Ethical Deprivation
- E.g. people think he world is in moral decline so join a sect to separate themselves from the world
- E.g. Jim Jones' Peoples Temple - mainly women
- E.g. people think he world is in moral decline so join a sect to separate themselves from the world
- Poverty
- Cults and Women
- Based on self-improvement
- Solutions to problems: mediation, better consciousness
- Relates to traditional gender roles, which are based in 'private' home
- Leadership: easier for women to achieve leadership roles, harder to gain in employment/ social life
- New Age and Women
- Aldridge (2000) - Goddess
- Interest in the Goddess gives women central control, it offers a more positive image of femininity than traditional religions do
- Bruce (2006) - Therapies
- Women are more involved in herbal remedies, yoga, meditation, astrology etc
- Aldridge (2000) - Goddess
- Fundamentalism and Women
- Groups in Iran, Iraq and Afghanistan insist on keeping women's traditional positions in society
- E.g. child-rearing, housework
- However...
- The number of women attending Church has been declining since the 1980s
- Reasons for this decline - Aune (2008)
- Fertility levels
- Women have fewer children now
- Older generations aren't being replaced in the Church
- Feminist Values
- Raised women's aspirations
- Challenged Christian views about women's roles
- Paid Employment
- Hard to juggle a job, childcare, housework and Church
- Family Diversity
- Cohabitation
- Single people
- Single-parent families
- Sexuality
- Church is ambivalent towards sexuality
- Makes women deny and be silent about their sexual desires and activity
- Homosexuality is not readily accepted in Church
- Fertility levels
- Reasons for this decline - Aune (2008)
- The number of women attending Church has been declining since the 1980s
- Groups in Iran, Iraq and Afghanistan insist on keeping women's traditional positions in society
- 3 Types of Modern Women - Woodhead (2005)
- 3. Work-centered: more secular
- 2. Jugglers: Combines work and home - usually 'alternative sexuality'
- 1. Home-centered: Priority is her home and family - traditionally Christian
- NRMs
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