Gender and Education

  • Created by: thas456
  • Created on: 29-12-20 17:59
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  • Gender and Education
    • Facts about Gender and Education
      • Girls get better results in primary school national curriculum tests (SATS).
      • Girls ae more likely to pass A-Levels.
      • More women go to University than men in the UK.
      • Girls get better results in nearly every subject at GCSE.
    • Gender and Subject Choice
      • Girls tend to take essay based A- levels and boys opt for technical ones.
      • Teachers for subjects tend to be gendered i.e. most maths teachers are male.
      • Subject choice is often influenced by gender socialisation.
      • Parental expectations may encourage students to follow what they see as traditional normal choices for their gender, there's pressure to conform to a social norm.
    • Boys Underachievement
      • Boys may be having an identity crisis
        • The rise of female independence
        • There's been a decline in the breadwinner role for men.
      • Interpretivists say teachers have lower expectations of boys
      • The feminisation of teaching means boys don't have as many role models in the classroom.
      • Reading can be seen as 'girly', so boys who avoid books may not develop vital communication skills
    • Subcultures
      • Willis- the lads rejected school and coped with their underachievement by having an anti-school subculture where education doesn't matter and where having laugh was more important.
      • Mary Fuller- Working class black girls were given a negative label in school, so they rejected their label and worked hard in school to prove it wrong
      • Mac an Ghaill- Boys joined a macho lad subculture because of a crisis in masculinity


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