Boys and Achievement
- Created by: MeganWilson1115
- Created on: 20-04-18 14:14
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- Boys and achievement
- Boys and Literacy
- Parents spend less time reading with their sons because it is seen as a more feminine activity
- Leisure pursuits of boys, f.e. rugby does little to develop communication skills whereas girls have more of a bedroom culture
- Globalisation and the decline of Traditional Men's Jobs
- Recenty changes to the economy have seen a decline in traditional male jobs, e.g. miners and heavy industry including iron
- Mitsos and Brown claim this decline has created an identity crisis and men and boys now believe they have little prospects undermining their motivation and self esteem (leading to self fulfilling prophecy)
- Feminisation of the Role of Education
- Sewell (2006) beives boys fall behind in education because education has been feminised
- Schools do not nurture masculine traits whereas they work more closely with girls who are methodical or attentive
- Coursework is seen by Sewell as a major cause for the differences in achievement
- Are More Male Teachers Needed?
- Francis (2006) found that two thirds of 7/8 year olds believed that the gender of their teacher didn't matter
- Read (2008) is also critical. She studied the type of language teachers used to express criticism of disapproval of students, she identified two types of discourse
- 1. Disciplinarian: Authority is made explicit and visible, through shouting
- 2. Liberal: Implicit and invisible discipline, it involves pseudo-adultification
- The first is usually assosciated with men used to control classes
- 'Laddiish' subculture
- Epstein (1998) examined the way masculinity is constructed within schools
- She found that working class boys are more likely to be harassed/be subjected to homophobic verbal abuse if they appear to be 'swots'
- Francis (2001) found that boys were more concerned about being labelled as swots by their peers because it is a threat to their masculinity
- Moral Panic about Boys
- Critics of feminism argue that policies that promote girl's education are no longer needed, because boys are now falling behind
- Ringrose (2013) believes this has caused a shift in policies and has lead to two negative effects
- 1. It ignores other problems like class and ethnicity 2.It also ignores problems girls still face like harassment, stereotyping etc
- Boys and Literacy
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