Global Development - Gender
- Created by: Harry
- Created on: 09-06-14 09:16
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- Gender
- Sen: Gender Inequalities
- Nationality: Patriarchal culture leads to child gender preference and gender selecting abortion.
- Morality: Women generally outlive men, not true everywhere.
- Household: Unfair gender division of labour
- Basic Facilities: Women lack access to institutions (education).
- Special Opportunities: Women encounter more barriers with higher education.
- Professional: Horizontal and vertical segregation in the workplace = under-represented.
- Ownership: Assets are shared unequally, restricting women's influence in business.
- Explaining Gender Inequalities
- Modernisation Theory
- Integration thesis: Traditional cultures are patriarchal and emphasise ascribed statuses = Women locked into subordinate lives from birth
- Gender inequalities act as a barrier to development, prevents 50% of the population engaging in economic activity.
- Dependency Theory
- Patriarchy has been imposed on the majority world. Colonial powers brought patriarchal culture.
- Exploitation Thesis: Gender inequalities have been actively created - Capitalism needs a patriarchal system to exist. Women perform unpaid labour (housework ect). Francis: 85% of workers on low wages = female.
- Modernisation Theory
- Addressing Gender Inequalities
- Modernisation Theory:
- Inglehart: Diminishing gender inequality = Inevitable outcome of industrialisation.
- Advocate a combination of education and mass media, funded by aid. Also see a place for TNC's = allow women to access jobs.
- People-Centered Approaches
- Focus on communities and individuals, allowing them to work directly with women and incorporate all members of society.
- Microcredit: Core aim of targeting women, allowing them access to the resources needed to improve their lives through investment.
- Modernisation Theory:
- Sen: Gender Inequalities
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