- Created by: elizabeth
- Created on: 19-04-14 14:08
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- Gender, Crime and Justice
- Gender patterns in crime
- do women commit more crime?- OS under represent female crime
- female crimes are less likely to be reported shoplifting. Prostitution both engage in- not report
- even when are reported less likely to be reported or let off lightly
- The Chivalry thesis
- argues most criminal justice agent police, judges are socialized to act in a chivalrous way to women- this affects OS means women are under represented
- Pollack argues that men have a protective attitude to women
- do women commit more crime?- OS under represent female crime
- explaining female crime
- 1.functionalist sex role theory
- Parsons- differences in crime and deviance to gender role.
- 2.heidensohn: patriarchal control
- 3.Carlen:class and gender
- 4. Liberation thesis
- 1.functionalist sex role theory
- why do men commit crime?
- Untitled
- Masculinity and crime
- feminists argue that
- Gender patterns in crime
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