Gender dysphoria
- Created by: Nicola
- Created on: 18-05-13 17:05
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- Gender dysphoria
- Biological explanation
- Brain sex theory
- Zhou , Hoffman and Gooren
- Chung (criticise) doesn't develop till adulthood
- Hulshoff (support)hormone therapy influences size.
- evidence in post-mortems- change due to therapy
- Both use laboratory and post-mortems so evaluation
- AO3 - child has been exposed to numerous environmental influences
- Both use laboratory and post-mortems so evaluation
- evidence in post-mortems- change due to therapy
- Brain sex theory
- Psychological explanation
- Stay in phallic stage- fixation not identified with correct parent
- difficult establishing gender identity
- Oedipal and Electra complex in phallic stage
- Lothstein( mothers were masculine)
- Oedipal and Electra complex in phallic stage
- difficult establishing gender identity
- Little Hans (supports Oedipal and Electra)
- Case study ,Alpha bias , euroscentric ,influential model, parsimony, reductionist
- Stay in phallic stage- fixation not identified with correct parent
- Biological explanation
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