science b3
- Created by: mike101app
- Created on: 31-01-17 14:52
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- Genetic engineering or genetic genetic modification
- What is Genetic engineering
- genetic engineering is when you are artificial gene from one ****** to another.
- The differences between genetic engineering and selective breed is that genetic engineering is a faster process than the other.
- advantages of genetic engineering
- It's faster when produce desire organisms
- The risk of genetic engineering
- the inserted genes maybe harmful
- How does genetic engineering
- Some enzymes can cut pieces of DNA from one organism
- they join them into a gap in the DNA of another organism
- This means that the new organism with the inserted genes has the genetic information for one or more characteristics.
- they join them into a gap in the DNA of another organism
- Some enzymes can cut pieces of DNA from one organism
- Genetic modification
- animals
- plants
- the make gm crops, some gm crops are resistant to certain weed killers while others are resistant to insect pests
- microorganisms
- Gene making insulin
- restriction enzyme cut out gene
- Enzyme cuts bacterial DNA and inserts insulin gene
- restriction enzyme cut out gene
- What is Genetic engineering
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