geography nigeria
- Created by: Abi Cheek
- Created on: 13-02-19 09:21
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- Nigeria Case study of a NEE
- Wider context of its location
- political
- since independence in 1960, Nigeria has progressed from civil war and military dictatorships to a stable democracy today
- today, Nigerians have the right to vote to choose their government
- In Nigeria there is still conflict
- In the north, an extremist organisation, Boko Haram wants to abolish democracy and set up its own government under islamic law (sharia)
- Over half a million people have fled the region and at least 17,000 people have been killed
- In 2014, Boko Haram kidnapped 276 schoolgirls and they have all still not been found
- In the north, an extremist organisation, Boko Haram wants to abolish democracy and set up its own government under islamic law (sharia)
- since independence in 1960, Nigeria has progressed from civil war and military dictatorships to a stable democracy today
- social and cultural
- Modern day Nigeria was formed in the 20th century under British rule
- until then, the country was made of smaller tribe Kingdoms.
- More than 500 ethnic groups all speaking different languages
- 3 dominate
- the Yoruba
- mainly christian
- the Igbo
- mainly christian
- the Hausa
- mainly muslim
- the Igbo
- the Yoruba
- 3 dominate
- rapid urbanisation in recent years has shifted the population
- rural urban migration of people in the countryside into cities have broke down some traditional boundaries
- Modern day Nigeria was formed in the 20th century under British rule
- environmental
- Nigeria is located 5-15 degrees north of the equator in tropical Africa
- moving North from the equator, the weather becomes dryer determine the vegetation in each area.
- peanuts grown
- To the south of the equator, the weather becomes humid so Tropical rainforests grow
- Savanna grassland grows in the hot dry grassland further north.
- cocoa and palm oil grown
- political
- The changing industrial structure
- The balance between different economy sectors
- Nigeria's economy is constantly changing.
- This is mainly from the primary based economy reliant on farming and extractive industries such as oil and gas.
- they then sell the products and make money from this
- However, Nigeria still remains divided, as many people still work in farming and wealth isn't well distributed.
- they then sell the products and make money from this
- This is mainly from the primary based economy reliant on farming and extractive industries such as oil and gas.
- Nigeria's economy is constantly changing.
- Manufacturing
- new manufacturing industries are increasing the pace of economic development in Nigeria
- ways this is done are;
- improving the standards of living by the products of industries, such as cement
- producing manufactured goods reducing import costs and can be cheaper
- creating jobs, giving people income and contributing to the countries wealth
- the expansion off Nigerian companies increases Nigeria's influence in the region
- ways this is done are;
- new manufacturing industries are increasing the pace of economic development in Nigeria
- The balance between different economy sectors
- Transnational corporations (TNCs)
- Advantages
- Investment by companies in local infrastructure and education.
- Companies provide employment and the development of new skills
- Other local companies benefit from increased orders
- Valuable export revenues are earned
- Disadvantages
- local workers are sometimes poorly paid
- working conditions are sometimes very poor
- management jobs often go to foreign employees
- much of the profit goes abroad
- The role of TNs in relation to industrial development
- A large company that operates in several countries. it usually has headquarters in one country and its production plants in several others
- Advantages
- Changing relationships with the wider world
- political
- still conflict in nigeria
- Britain has been trading with west Africa for over 300 years
- Trade with West Africa turned to palm oil to make soap in Britain.
- from 1650, the British enslaved African people and took them to America and the Caribbean.
- slavery was made illegal in 1807
- in the late 19th century, Africa became part of the British empire, the country was ruled by Britain
- nigeria gained independence1960
- Then a pattern trade was established
- Nigeria exported natural commodities to Britain and in exchange imported manufactured goods.
- Then a pattern trade was established
- Trading
- Nigeria still trades with the uk but some of its larger trades are with the USA, China, India and other countries in the EU
- Nigerias main export is oil
- Nigeria still imports manufactured goods like machinery, chemicals and transport equipment.
- political
- International aid
- Types of aid
- official development assistance given by governments paid by taxes.
- voluntary aid given by individuals or organisations not funded by the government
- Bilateral aid is given directly by one country
- mosquito nets
- mosquito nets can saves lives and long term effects of disease. by having the nets maleria can reduce being spread
- multilateral aid is given by countries through international organisations
- Types of aid
- Environmental Impacts of economic development
- Desertification
- Mainly affecting the north of Nigeria
- Makes the land and barren very difficult to live on
- Mainly affecting the north of Nigeria
- Pollution
- Water
- Oil spills polluting the water
- Water channels mid open drain are mostly affected
- Causing health issues, affecting the population, costing the country in health care and lack of employees
- Air
- Fumes released by manufacturing plants pollute the air contributing to global warming
- Noise
- Traffic fro may transporting raw materials and goods create noise pollution also congestion get the roads
- Water
- Desertification
- Effects of Economic development
- quality of life
- Nigeria's quality of life is improving as its GDP is growing
- Nigeria's GDP has grown significantly over the past 15 years and Nigeria is now classified as a Newly Emerging Economy and a middle income country by the World Bank
- Nigerias GDP has suddenly increased from 2009, from $1000 to $3250.
- The pace of change is slow and Nigeria still remains a deeply divided country in terms of wealth and quality of life.
- The under 5 mortality rate per 1000 has reduced from 1981 (211 per 1000) to 2015 (108 per 1000)
- the adult literacy rate has increased since 1991 with 55% to 2013 with 59%
- Life expectancy has increased by 11.5 years from 1981 to 2013
- the % of the population who has electricity has increased from 2010 to 2012 from 48% to 55%
- The percentage of women who believe there husband is justified to beat his wife when they argue has dropped from 2003 with 43% to 21% in 2013
- Nigeria's quality of life is improving as its GDP is growing
- quality of life
- Location and Importance
- Importance globally
- Nigeria is rich in oil making 75 percent of their governments money.
- Nigeria is a country in Africa. it is located on the north of the equator, with its south coast on the Gulf of Guinea.
- Importance globally
- Wider context of its location
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