Population Case Studies
- Created by: Rachelle
- Created on: 21-04-13 03:15
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- Population
- CHINA: One Child Policy
- 1949: Baby Boom. (Marry later in life)
- 1958-1961: Droughts + Floods (2m deaths, leader encourages to have many children --> second baby boom.
- 1970: Above Replacement Level (Birth rate 5.8- above 2.1 needed for stable population.
- 1979: Anti-Natalist Policy
- Family Planning advice + contraceptives freely available
- 'One Child Certificate'
- Benefits
- Housing
- Childcare
- Cash Bonus
- Longer Maternity Leave
- Chance of promotion for gov. staff
- Penalties
- Gov. Staff Fired
- No basic rice allowance for extra kids.
- Gov.staff pensions revoked.
- Extra kids denied same quality healthcare + edu.
- Fines up to 4x family income.
- 1979: Anti-Natalist Policy
- 1970: Above Replacement Level (Birth rate 5.8- above 2.1 needed for stable population.
- 1958-1961: Droughts + Floods (2m deaths, leader encourages to have many children --> second baby boom.
- Effective in cities, not in rural areas.
- Farmers allowed second child if first was female to help with farming.
- 4-2-1 Problem!
- March 2011- considers relaxing policy
- 1949: Baby Boom. (Marry later in life)
- FRANCE: Pro-Natalist Measures
- Population growth due to immigrants from Southern Europe, French colonies in North Africa.
- Large Family Card: families 3+ children
- Reduction on train and subway fares
- Paris Family Card
- Kids free entrance to pools and subsidized entry to public sports facilities
- Strategies
- 16 weeks paid maternity leave for 1st, 26 weeks for 3rd.
- Subsidized childcare facilities
- System of creches for toddlers
- 26 months off work shared by parents
- Less tax for working moms.
- Subsidized nursery for kids 3+ years.
- Pre-school facilities for kids 2-3 yrs.
- Bigger family = less tax
- JAPAN: Ageing PopulationCase Study
- 1/3 population pensioners
- Consumption tax raised by 5%
- Retirement age to 70 yrs
- Unstable social security system
- By 2025, dependency ratio 2:3
- Rehiring Programs
- Companies move senior employees from regular long term employment to fixed, renewable contracts.
- Year 2050, 40% will be 65+
- Old people get more sick
- Pressure on hosipitals
- Lack of space in care home/ meals on wheels
- Family members feel burden:4m elderly live alone
- Stress on economic active people decrease work quality
- Shortage of workers
- Less tax payers
- Less fund for public edu, health care, police
- Less tax payers
- 1/3 population pensioners
- CHINA: One Child Policy
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