- Created by: meg
- Created on: 08-12-12 13:01
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- Rivers
- The Drainage Basin
- In terms of the river 1The River Source 2) Tribiatry 3) Confluence 4) Channel 5) Mouth 6) Sea
- Tributary is a small river ( stream) which joins to the main river
- The source is where the river starts
- Confluence is the point where 2 river join
- The mouth is where the river flows into the sea
- The water shed is a boundary in which seperates Drainage Basins
- In terms of the river 1The River Source 2) Tribiatry 3) Confluence 4) Channel 5) Mouth 6) Sea
- Landforms
- Erosional River Landforms
- Waterfalls
- Interlocking spurs
- Erosional and Depositional River Land forms
- Meanders and Large Bends
- Ox-Bow Lakes and Formed meanders
- Depositional River landfroms
- Leeves are natural Embankments
- Flood Plains
- Deltas
- Erosional River Landforms
- Maps
- Grid References
- Along the corrider up the stairs - measure the eastings value first then the northings value
- The Left edge of the suare is the eastings value and the bottom line is the northings value
- Contour lines can tell you which way the river flows
- Never Eat Shredded Wheat
- Grid References
- Processes
- Erosion
- Hydraulic Action
- Corrasion
- Attrition
- Corrosion
- Transportation
- traction
- Suspension
- Saltation
- Solution
- Erosion
- Case Studies
- Bangladesh LEDC Monsoon season
- Boscaste MEDC 2004
- The Drainage Basin
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