Geography Population Dynamics Part 1
- Created by: sam.gurajena
- Created on: 30-03-14 14:00
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- Geography Unit 2 - Population Dynamics Part 1
- The past present and the future of global population
- In 1750 the world population was under 1 billion people. It climbed up to 2 billion by 1930
- By 2011 it had grown to nearly 7 billion.
- The UN believe that the population is set to increase between 10.6 and 8.1
- The change of population is difficult to predict because we dont know how birth rates and death rates will change
- Why does population change?
- Populations change because of the change in birth rates and death rates
- Birth rate: The number of people born in every 1000 people per year
- Death rates: The number of people who die per 1000 of the population each year
- Life expectancy: The average age at which people die in a population
- Infant mortality: The number of children who die per 1000 of births each year
- Fertility rates: The number of children that women have in their lifetime
- Demographic transition model
- Stage 1:Poor health care means death rates and birth rates are high
- Stage 2: An improvement of healthcare means death rates fall but birth rates are still high
- Stage 3: Social and economic changes mean birth rates begin to fall.
- Stage 4: Birth rate and Death rate balance which means a stable population
- Low fertility and very high life expectancy so birth rate falls below death rates
- The past present and the future of global population
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