Georg Buchner

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  • Georg Buchner
    • Karl Georg Buchner
      • german
      • died age 23?
        • 17th October 1813 - 19th Feb 1837
      • 17th October 1813 - 19th Feb 1837
    • Woyzeck
      • period of German Romanticism
      • 1837
      • context
        • written under threat of arrest for social revolutionary activites
          • Georg Buchner
            • Karl Georg Buchner
              • german
              • died age 23?
              • Woyzeck
                • period of German Romanticism
                • 1837
                • context
                  • written under threat of arrest for social revolutionary activites
                    • society for the rights of man
                      • many members arrested
                  • society for the rights of man
                    • many members arrested
                • because it was so different is could have been banned
        • because it was so different is could have been banned


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