Global consumerism

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    • This is associated with the worldwide advance of a culture capitlism
    • One aspect is 'Coca-Colonization'
      • Where global goods & global brands have emerged and dominated economic markets in more parts of the world
        • Also captures the psychological & emotional power that have acquired through sophisticated marketing & advertising
    • 'McWorld' is a trend tied together by technology, ecology, communications and commerce, creating integration
      • Thought by Benjamin Barber, 2003
      • This reflected the increasing standardisation of business organisations & practices
      • This reflected the increasing standardisation of business organisations & practices
    • The West is the home of consumer capitalism & industrial society
      • This is the reflection of the disproportionate extent to which the goods and images, that dominate modern commerce and the media, derives from the USA
    • Many have argued that the cultural globalisation trends have widened access to range of goods and cultural products, and their opportunities
      • They also argue that it has served the interests of economic and political domination
        • However, it has also been argued that it is a form of captivity and manipulation that distorts values and happiness


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