A-Level English Language: Global English
- Created by: Charlotte Emily Turner
- Created on: 14-02-18 11:57
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- Global English
- Kachru
- '3 Circles'
- Inner: L1
- Outer: L2
- Expanding: Lingua Franca
- Is he saying L1 is the best?
- Inner Circle provides the rules/norms of English
- The Outer Circle develops these norms
- The expanding circle countries are 'norm-dependent'
- '3 Circles'
- Schneider
- 3. Nativisation
- 2. Exonormative Stabilisation
- 1. Foundation
- 4. Endonormative Stabilisation
- 5. Differentiation
- Future of English
- Graddol
- The "global elite" will be "multi-lingual"
- English is losing momentum
- McArthur
- 'Circle of World Englishes'
- "Mutually incomprehensible" forms of English
- Ostler
- Technology/ Printed word
- We will be able to speak in any language
- Immediately understood (by all)
- Graddol
- American English
- Prescriptivists/Puritans
- 1600s
- East Coast
- Neologisms/ Borrowing
- Native American
- Mexican
- Influenced the cowboys
- Native American
- Influenced the cowboys
- Exploration
- Lewis & Clarke
- Discoveries
- Headed West
- Webster
- 1828: Dictionary
- Simplify/ standardise
- e.g. "colour" became "color"
- Prescriptivists/Puritans
- Kachru
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