Global governance of human rights in conflict case study: Afghanistan (LIDC)
- Created by: Katariina
- Created on: 19-12-21 13:34
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- Global governance of human rights in conflict case study: Afghanistan (LIDC)
- The Afghan government
- Creation of new legislation
- Independent Election Commission (IEC) set up: democratic elections. Promotes political engagement
- Women's Rights' Legislation: EVAW laws passed in 2009
- Laws passed to set quotas for the number of female reps (MPs) in parliament. The quota is 20%
- Creation of new legislation
- NGOs
- AfghanAid
- 'Bottom-up' development projects to promote human rights
- Primary schools in Ghor province
- Female em-powerment: business training to 2,500 women, 5,800 have set up own business, 13,000 received lessons in literacy and tailoring
- 2,340 projects to improve water supply: children can pursue education instead of fetching water
- AfghanAid
- United Nations (IGO)
- UNAMA (United States Assistance Mission in Afghanistan)
- Protection of civilians in conflict
- "promote human rights in Afghanistan everywhere and for everyone"
- UNAMA monitors & prevents child rights violation in armed conflict
- Upholds EVAW laws: Aim to eliminate violence against women & promote gender equality
- Prevention of torture & arbitrary detention of civilians
- UNAMA (United States Assistance Mission in Afghanistan)
- The Afghan government
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