global shifts (china and uk)
- Created by: xidafo
- Created on: 29-11-20 19:21
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- global shifts
- effects on uk
- Leicester
- Stats: 330k population 50% white 30% Asian/Indian 25% higher benefit claims than average £23,190 average income
- deraliction
- lack of available jobs
- crime/ drug use
- People employed in steal: 1980 – 142k 1988 – 52k 2000 – 32k
- downward multiplyer effect
- cheaper imports
- loss of jobs in manufacturing
- Leicester
- effects on china
- benefits
- political influance over other countries
- new technologies
- better standard of living health and education
- economic growth of 10% since 1979
- costs
- high urbanisation rates and population dencity within citys
- large amounts of pollutants realised because of little environment control
- long hours for little pay when compared to western countries
- poor working conditions
- benefits
- Global shift is the relocating of the global
economic centre of gravity to Asia from Europe and North America, over the last century.
- The shift of manufacturing jobs from Europe, Japan and North America to China.
- The shift of service and administration jobs to India, especially Bangalore.
- irst in 1950s/60s to the asian tigers and accelarated asivaly in the 1990s due to the internet and other new technologies
- why
- FDI began to flow into asian countries
- Asian countries opened up (china open door policy)
- TNC's wanting cheaper factors of production
- other TNCs moved to Asia so they had to to compete
- effects on uk
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