Global Treaties
- Created by: naomi
- Created on: 09-01-14 19:44
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- Examples
- RAMSAR - protecting wetland areas
- CITES - ban on ivory trade and endangered species trade
- CCAMLR (marine)
- IWC (marine)
- Positives
- Social
- Border controls actively search for illegal trade
- Provides jobs for locals to police the areas - needs local people to try and enforce it
- International - massive global impact
- Largest membership of all treaties - 179 parties (CITES)
- Economic
- more animals alive for tourists to see means more tourism
- Environmental
- Population numbers of endangered animals have massively increased
- HAS protected species and still does - increased numbers in e.g. Zimbabwe
- Social
- Negatives
- Social
- Hard to manage on an international scale
- HUGE DEMAND - people are going to do what the treaties are telling them not to!
- Economic
- as it is illegal trade, prices increase as they are harder to get, making them worth more - black market rise
- medicines, beauty products - increase in England because of immigrants - Asian populations
- Environmental
- Is not a law - only a treaty and not all countries need to be involved
- Social
- African elephants could be extinct in 15 years
- the population, currently 600,000, is diminishing by 38,000 each year
- significantly exceeds elephant birth rates
- worldwide illegal trade in wildlife is valued at £12.5 billion
- in 2006, 11 metric tonnes of illegal ivory were seized from ships bound for Taiwan and Japan
- The International Fund for Animal Welfare says immediate action needs to be taken
- 20 years on from a ban on international ivory trade, elephants in Africa are still threatened by commercial poaching
- the population, currently 600,000, is diminishing by 38,000 each year
- African elephants are being killed in their thousands to feed demand for ivory
- elephant poaching has been on the rise because of demand from Asia, where ivory is used for ornaments and in traditional medicine
- African elephants could be extinct in 15 years
- Examples
- Environmental
- Population numbers of endangered animals have massively increased
- HAS protected species and still does - increased numbers in e.g. Zimbabwe
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