Globalisation; Unit 3:D
- Created by: Laura
- Created on: 04-11-13 15:17
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- Globalisation
- Globalisation is a feature of an interconnected world. It is the integration of states, through increasing contact, communication, and trade, to create a single global system in which the process of change increasingly binds people in a common fate.
- Economic globalisation
- refers to the deepening of economic interconnectedness between states, based on free market ideologies and the liberalising of economics
- The ideal purpose is to allow all nations to compete in the free market so they may strengthen their economic trade.
- Globalisation has dominated world trade because...
- The collapse of the Soviet Union has meant that the market of free trade has become the principle of soft power of attractions for former socialist to change their regimes to take advantage of the free trade
- The new technology which makes trading easier, cheaper and faster
- Political globalisation
- it is associated with the shift of decision-making from states to international organisation.
- May have regional jurisdiction (EU)
- May have global jurisdiction (UN)
- seen as a means of managing or regulating economic globalisation. However political globalisation could legitimately be understood to refer to global spread of political ideas or structures
- it is associated with the shift of decision-making from states to international organisation.
- Cultural globalisation
- There is a temptation to think that globalisation will produce cultural uniformity
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