Ayer Summary
- Created by: gracetsp
- Created on: 12-06-13 20:30
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- God-Talk is evidently meaningless
- Religious Langauge and Proof
- Logical Positivism
- Humanist movement/ empirical hypothesis/ not analytical preposition
- Proof
- A posteriori Synthetic/ Logical necessities (tautlogy)/ Ontological (kant on predicate)/evolut.
- Theists/Athiests
- Regularity in nature (hume critic of design), Transcendent god does not exist = nonsensical/Paley
- Logical Positivism
- Morality and Science
- No way of testing Morality
- Outside scope of testing/Hurrah Booh Theory/Pseudo propsitions
- Emotivism
- MacIntyre/Simply gives emotional preferences not facts
- Only statements of logic can be analysed
- Dawkins/Empirical data/ HOWEVER - Dawkins God as sceintific hypothetis = investigatable
- No way of testing Morality
- Mystics
- Ayers Yellow Patch
- Patch = verifiable. God = unverifiabl. Goes beyond claiming emotion to claiming knowledge
- Sense of something transcendent
- may be real sensation/doesnt mean exists in re/ ontological/ Russel and Coppleston debate.
- Beyond Experience
- Non cognitive / Incoherent/ William James (noetic and transient)/Joan of Arc
- Ayers Yellow Patch
- Implications
- Human Experience
- Subjectove perceptions/ Intuition (Donovan and Owen)/ Martin Luther King/ Historic Events
- Morality
- Life has no mean? Collapse in society (Harris)/ Sharp/Altruism/ Impossible to condemn actions (Hurrah Boo)
- Religion
- Creationism unverifiable/ Life after death (hick escatological), Marx , Freud, religion = illness and in mind
- Human Experience
- Religious Langauge and Proof
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