- Created by: katiewho
- Created on: 07-12-15 11:46
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- Gonorrhoea
- What is it ?
- Causes
- Bacteria
- Unprotected Sex
- Share toys - not cleaned
- Passed from infected mum to child
- Symptoms
- Vaginal Discharge
- Unusual colour - thick yellow/green
- Pain in the lower abdomen and when peeing
- Medical Interventions
- Single dose antibiotics
- Injection / pill
- Combo of 2 for gon
- Lifestyle Changes
- Avoid having sex until treated
- Have protected sex
- Wash sex toys and cover with condoms
- Physical
- Pelvic inflammatory disease
- Infertility
- Pelvic pain
- Higher risk of ectopic pregnancy
- Intellectual
- Unable to concentrate
- Educated
- Emotional
- Embarrassed, stressed, down, upset
- Worried about impact on fertility
- Social
- Isolated and withdrawn
- No sexual contact or intimate relationship until clear
- Physical
- What is it ?
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