Gov and Pol: AS
The whole specification outlined in mind map form.
- Created by: tybeany88
- Created on: 04-12-13 21:06
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- Gov and Pol: AS
- Unit 1
- T1: Participation and Voting Behaviour
- Types of political systems
- Direct Democracy/representative
- Voter turnout
- Voting behaviour
- The media
- Image of the party leader
- Personal characteristics
- Other types of participation
- T2: Electoral Systems
- Vote share/Seat share
- Majoritarian
- Safe Seats/Swing seat
- AV
- SV
- Run-Off Voting
- Proportional systems
- Closed lists
- Party systems
- Coalition
- Vote share/Seat share
- T3: Political Parties
- Function of political parties
- Aggregating society's desires
- Contesting Elections
- Origin of parties
- Rebels and whipping system
- Minor Parties
- Independent MPs
- Problems with parties
- Ideologies in parties
- Conservative/Labour/LibDem/SNP/PlaidCymru/BNP/UKIP/Green/NI
- Membership
- Broadcasts
- Funding
- Reasons for a fall
- Consequences
- Campaigning
- Membership
- Topic 4: Pressure Groups and Protest Movements
- Classification
- Sectional
- Casual
- Insider
- Outsider
- Activity
- Lobbying
- The Government
- The media
- Lobbying
- Trade Unions
- Commercial Pressure Groups
- Pluralism
- Classification
- T1: Participation and Voting Behaviour
- Unit 2
- T1: British Constitution
- Written/Unwritten
- Codified/Uncodified
- Flexible/Rigid
- Unitary/Federal
- Works/documents of authority
- Role of the Monarch
- Role of Judges
- Rule of Law
- HRA 1998
- Court system in the UK
- T2: Parliament
- Branches of Gov
- Role of the Speaker
- Electing the Speaker
- Commons Business
- Legislating
- Consultation stage
- First Reading
- Second reading
- Committee Stage
- Report stage
- Third Reading
- Report stage
- Committee Stage
- Second reading
- PMBs
- First Reading
- Role of the Whips
- Consultation stage
- Role of Parliament
- Adjournment debates
- Emergency debates
- PM Question Time
- Select committe system
- Her majesty's rooyal opposition
- TV/Media/Critisism
- Adjournment debates
- Role of MPs
- Representing constituents
- Passing legislation
- Asking ministers
- Crossing the floor
- Pay and expenses
- MP backgrounds
- Types
- Lfe Peers
- Reform acts 1911 and
- Functions
- Types
- Topic 3: The Core Executive
- The Cabinet
- Appointments
- Functions
- PM
- Civil Servants
- The Cabinet
- T4: Multi-Level Governance
- Loccal Government
- Councillors
- Scotland and Wales
- European Union
- History
- Organsation
- Judiciary
- Executive
- Legislature
- EU council
- Future
- T1: British Constitution
- Unit 1
- Common Law
- Royal Perogative
- T1: British Constitution
- Written/Unwritten
- Codified/Uncodified
- Flexible/Rigid
- Unitary/Federal
- Works/documents of authority
- Role of the Monarch
- Role of Judges
- Rule of Law
- HRA 1998
- Court system in the UK
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