Government and Control in wartime
- Created by: Natalie
- Created on: 17-04-19 17:46
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- Government and control in wartime
- Centralised State
- Party organisation dominated government institutions
- Large parts of the economy was controlled by the governemnt
- Main decisions were taken by the Politburo
- Power was concentrates in the hands of a few people at the top.
- Led to Victory
- Took power away from the workers, peasants and soldiers.
- Red Army and the Cheka
- They played complementary roles in supporting the regime during the revolution
- Cheka
- sought to eliminate political oppostion
- Enforced discipline inside the Red Army
- Red Army
- Defended communist-controlled areas from attack
- attacked opposition forces to gain more territory.
- Sovnarkom
- Soviet Government
- 15-20 members from the Central Committee
- Central committee made laws and oversaw administration
- Key decision making body
- Issues orders and decrees.
- Politburo
- Communist Party structure
- 7-9 members from the Central Committee
- Central Committee was the leading decision making body of the communist party
- set up in 1919
- Eventually the Politburo gained a large influence over the Sovnarkom and the Communist Party became the main decision body of Russia
- Centralised State
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