Government policy 1868-71
- Created by: Jxss.lx
- Created on: 24-06-18 14:58
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- Government's Policy
- Reservations
- Indian's wouldn't lose any more land
- Would receive payment in money, food and clothing
- Be protected from attacks by whites
- Council felt it was the only way for the tribe to survive
- Government didn't follow through, other tribes refused to be moved
- US Army used to force Indians to move or return to reservations
- Supposed to benefit Indians
- Could learn
- Farming
- Christianity
- Taught to read and write
- Would be protected from other tribes
- Could learn
- Held no though for Indian culture
- Far away from sacred places
- Traditional enemies placed on same reservations
- Land was too hard to farm
- Agents employed,often corrupt
- President Grant's 'Peace Policy' 1868
- Aimed to calm tension between Indians and Us army
- Would improve management techniques
- Replaced corrupt agents with Quakers
- Religious men known for their fairness
- Appointed an American Indian as head of Indian Affairs
- $2,000,000 given to improve care of Indians on reservations
- Indians who refused to move would be treated as hostile
- Indian Appropriation Act 1871
- Recognised the Indians as wards
- Should be treated as ignorant children to be looked after
- Were no longer recognised as being able to sign treaties
- Made it easier for land to be taken from Indians and given to whites
- Recognised the Indians as wards
- Reservations
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